Forward Together

Youth-focused version of the AJAC Manufacturing Academy

AJAC recently developed a youth-focused version of the Manufacturing Academy for youth with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs), out-of-school youth, and current/formerly incarcerated youth. It includes a weekly ($100) stipend to participate in training and a 3-month paid internship at an AJAC employer partner. The program was piloted last year with 20+ students in King and Pierce Counties – 15 completed the internship and 5 are currently working in industry.


  • The stipend is one of the hardest aspects to fund – even though program is offered for free, the stipend provides good incentive to participate and helps cover general cost of living for youth and their families.
  • Covering internship costs is complex and rely on public funds (e.g. WIOA, DVR, etc.), but these can be a barrier to participate for interested youth.


  • Fund stipends/internships
    • $15,000 stipend cost per cohort (15 participants 10-week program)
    • $1600-$2,000 internship cost per participant (120 hours at Seattle and/or state minimum wage)
  • Partner with AJAC to offer internships
    • They provide structured on-the-job training (OJT) guidance
    • You get a chance to develop a well-vetted talent pipeline
    • AJAC can provide additional assistance to develop next-step apprenticeship training at manufacturing companies interested in offering internships